37,393 research outputs found

    Numerical Studies of the Gauss Lattice Problem

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    The difference between the number of lattice points N(R) that lie in x^2 + y^2 ≤ R^2 and the area of that circle, d(R) = N(R) - πR^2, can be bounded by |d(R)| ≤ KR^θ. Gauss showed that this holds for θ = 1, but the least value for which it holds is an open problem in number theory. We have sought numerical evidence by tabulating N(R) up to R ≈ 55,000. From the convex hull bounding log |d(R)| versus log R we obtain the bound θ ≤ 0.575, which is significantly better than the best analytical result θ ≤ 0.6301 ... due to Huxley. The behavior of d(R) is of interest to those studying quantum chaos

    Comments on "Numerical studies of viscous flow around circular cylinders"

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    It is claimed by Hamielec and Raal(1) that their computations improve upon the extrapolation procedure of Keller and Takami(2) which is considered “inadequate” and “could presumably lead to appreciable errors.” However, the authors clearly do not understand the procedure of Keller and Takami or else do not understand the nature of Imai’s asymptotic solution, or both

    The Bordering Algorithm and Path Following Near Singular Points of Higher Nullity

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    We study the behavior of the bordering algorithm (a form of block elimination) for solving nonsingular linear systems with coefficient matrices in the partitioned form (A & B \\ C^* & D) when N(A)≧1. Systems with this structure naturally occur in path following procedures. We show that under appropriate assumptions, the algorithm, which is based on solving systems with coefficient matrix A, works as A varies along a path and goes through singular points. The required assumptions are justified for a large class of problems coming from discretizations of boundary value problems for differential equations

    Accurate difference methods for linear ordinary differential systems subject to linear constraints

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    We consider the general system of n first order linear ordinary differential equations y'(t)=A(t)y(t)+g(t), a<t< b, subject to "boundary" conditions, or rather linear constraints, of the form Σ^(N)_(ν=1) B_(ν)y(τ_ν)=β Here y(t), g(t) and II are n-vectors and A(t), Bx,..., BN are n × n matrices. The N distinct points {τ_ν} lie in [a,b] and we only require N ≧ 1. Thus as special cases initial value problems, N=1, are included as well as the general 2-point boundary value problem, N=2, with τ_1=a, τ_2=b. (More general linear constraints are also studied, see (5.1) and (5.17).

    Difference Methods for Boundary Value Problems in Ordinary Differential Equations

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    A general theory of difference methods for problems of the form Ny ≡ y' - f(t,y) = O, a ≦ t ≦ b, g(y(a),y(b))= 0, is developed. On nonuniform nets, t_0 = a, t_j = t_(j-1) + h_j, 1 ≦ j ≦ J, t_J = b, schemes of the form N_(h)u_j = G_j(u_0,•••,u_J) = 0, 1 ≦ j ≦ J, g(u_0,u_J) = 0 are considered. For linear problems with unique solutions, it is shown that the difference scheme is stable and consistent for the boundary value problem if and only if, upon replacing the boundary conditions by an initial condition, the resulting scheme is stable and consistent for the initial value problem. For isolated solutions of the nonlinear problem, it is shown that the difference scheme has a unique solution converging to the exact solution if (i) the linearized difference equations are stable and consistent for the linearized initial value problem, (ii) the linearized difference operator is Lipschitz continuous, (iii) the nonlinear difference equations are consistent with the nonlinear differential equation. Newton’s method is shown to be valid, with quadratic convergence, for computing the numerical solution

    Aluminum foil interconnects for solar cell panels

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    Commercially available sonic welding system and a specially-designed tip bonds aluminum foil interconnects to titanium-silver solar cell contacts